The fact that he was able to hack his Registry to correct the problem which is something that Image Content Technology indicated that only they could do, is interesting Software piracy is the reason legitimate users must pay thousands of dollars for software that would cost hundreds if developers didn't have to cover that loses created by pirates. Perhaps the OP is innocent of any wrongdoing, but somehow he has an illegitimate copy of Lucis. I'm sure you are not so new to how software functions that you believe that the OP was able to initialize the software just fine with an incorrect serial number. It is disheartening to me to hear that people are sharing valid LucisArt serial numbers.' Barbara Williams If you had read this thread you would see by the OP's response that he acknowledged the problem with the Lucis copy. One customer did not wish to pay this and he reformatted his computer. I also now know how to fix this problem and I charge $100 to fix it. That is how I found out about this problem. I found this out the hard way several years ago with a customer who lied and said that he had not installed an illegal copy but after my software engineer worked with him it was clear that he had.

The illegal copy of LucisArt corrupts some files in the computer. If you have installed one of these illegal copies of LucisArt you won't be able to install a valid copy of LucisArt either. The image in the preview window looks fine but when you process the image it comes out all corrupted. 'Hello, everytime I try to do the sculpture effect on my image, I tick the box, and it appears totally different to the preview, pixelated and messy like this:' (Image has the exact same issues the OP has) 'The only time that I have seen this problem is with some illegal (cracked) copies of LucisArt.

Does it sound familiar? The post is followed by Barbara's response. Here is a typical post on another forum from a bootleg user. There are hundreds of similar posts across the web requesting help with Lucis, At one point, after in-depth research, Barbara Williams of Image Content Technology, the developer of LucisArt, sited the number of LucisArt plug-ins being used as in the thousands, when the number of units she had actually sold were in the hundreds. JoYork wrote in That's pretty extreme advice to give someone unless you can actually cite a reliable source.